Score: 59/67
Question reflections
Question 5. Correct answer: C, making A false would still give the OR function an output of true, while you need both C and D to make the AND function output true to satisfy the function.
Question 11. Correct answer: A, 11111111 = 255 in binary, 11110000 = 240 in binary, which makes the RGB number (255, 255, 240) which matches with the color ivory.
Question 23. Correct answer: D, The flowchart sets available to true whenever weekday is true and miles is less than 20, and sets available to false otherwise. This code statement provides the same functionality.
Question 24. Correct answer: B, The program repeats the function 10 times and 2 is added to value each time making it count to 20
Question 61. Correct answer: B and D, B is correct as well because providing accessibility features may allow some groups to access technology and content that they previously could not access.
Question 64. Correct answer: B and D, D is correct as well because y is initially negative, the loop condition count ≥ y is initially true, so the body of the loop is never executed and 0 is returned.
Question 66. Correct answer: A and C, C is correct as well because line 9 should be removed, as currentnum should be integrated outside of the IF statement.
Question 67. Correct answer: A and B, A explanation: count is increased to 1 the first time “birch” is encountered in the list. However, count is reset to 0 when the code segment moves to the next list element. The last time “birch” is encountered in the list, count is again increased to 1, causing the procedure to return 1 instead of the intended result 2. B explanation: count is increased to 1 the first time “maple” is encountered in the list. However, count is reset to 0 when the code segment moves to the next list element. This causes the procedure to return 0 instead of the intended result 1.